“Will all these matter in the end?”

I'm no longer caught into the dilemma on what I want to do with my life but what has been holding me back for quite sometimes, is translating the idea of who I want to become into actionable items. When you don't know how, it can be frustrating and demotivating at some point. You're stuck … Continue reading “Will all these matter in the end?”

How wisdom tooth and a trip to the bank taught me about life and happiness

Happiness and being grateful really lie in the little things. I say this because I had this realisation yesterday when I was waiting for my turn in a bank. Actually, this would have not happened if it wasn't for my wisdom tooth. But as Saturdays are only for appointments---and me being clueless---I'd have to delay … Continue reading How wisdom tooth and a trip to the bank taught me about life and happiness

3 mindsets to get the best out of Ramadhan (and life)

Last week I went all out with what I had felt during the first half of Ramadhan and how I felt that I was not feeling the Ramadhan as I would have liked to. Just to remind you again that it is so so normal to slip sometimes, and to feel that way as we … Continue reading 3 mindsets to get the best out of Ramadhan (and life)

How do you find yourself when you’re feeling lost?

"Know thyself" - Socrates Said an ancient philosopher... But how do you know yourself, honestly? For the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling rather nostalgic. Maybe it's because I've been redecorating my space and have been decluttering as much as I can. It has been less of a struggle to let material things … Continue reading How do you find yourself when you’re feeling lost?

If money isn’t issue, then what is?

"I was never poor" says a billionaire who once was a broke person, keeps echoing in my head. And this relates to 2 months until I am closing this website down to prioritise other things. I just wanted to make the few final rounds of writing here before I close down for real. It's bittersweet … Continue reading If money isn’t issue, then what is?

On being honest with ourselves

I'll be honest. I feel bad for not writing as regularly as I promised. I feel bad for not doing this inconsistently. Then I paused for a while, trying to reflect what was it that stopped from me from being consistent. I know how to be consistent but why do I still struggle to do … Continue reading On being honest with ourselves