If money isn’t issue, then what is?

"I was never poor" says a billionaire who once was a broke person, keeps echoing in my head. And this relates to 2 months until I am closing this website down to prioritise other things. I just wanted to make the few final rounds of writing here before I close down for real. It's bittersweet … Continue reading If money isn’t issue, then what is?

Returning Home

I am so glad that I stumbled upon a video of a project called as Bissau Project tonight as I have been feeling uninspired that I feel like I've lost some passion within me that I have always had on pursuit of goodness. It has been more of routine and doing things solely out of … Continue reading Returning Home

On being honest with ourselves

I'll be honest. I feel bad for not writing as regularly as I promised. I feel bad for not doing this inconsistently. Then I paused for a while, trying to reflect what was it that stopped from me from being consistent. I know how to be consistent but why do I still struggle to do … Continue reading On being honest with ourselves

We are always healing no matter how far we've come

Hello friend. It's been a while. After neglecting this for a long time, my feelings were all over the place this morning and I couldn't point out why. But I looked back. I looked back during the days when I was actively writing and expressing myself. At those times, I was on a phase of … Continue reading We are always healing no matter how far we've come

Everything starts and ends with love

For the longest time, I've been avoiding from opening this blog because I've felt a sense of guilt for neglecting it and not prioritising it anymore. Despite blocking a day in my calendar to writing, I turned to reading instead or even if I'd write, I would in the end leave it as it is … Continue reading Everything starts and ends with love