5 mindset habits to relieve loneliness

How often do we find ourselves deprived of the feeling of being loved and cared? That we'd end up seek for the attention at the wrong places, eventually making us feel a lot lonelier than before? I've been feeling a wave of loneliness for the past couple of weeks whenever I return to the comfort … Continue reading 5 mindset habits to relieve loneliness

How a Japanese Master Chef taught me about passion and commitment

I've always claimed myself to be a reserved and a laid back person but this comes with the price of delaying a lot of things in my life, thinking that "It's okay, things will get better" but things will not get better if I don't do anything about it. It's simple as that. A lot … Continue reading How a Japanese Master Chef taught me about passion and commitment

“Will all these matter in the end?”

I'm no longer caught into the dilemma on what I want to do with my life but what has been holding me back for quite sometimes, is translating the idea of who I want to become into actionable items. When you don't know how, it can be frustrating and demotivating at some point. You're stuck … Continue reading “Will all these matter in the end?”

What I’ve learned from 1 week of slowing down

I've taken a week MC after going through a minor surgery to remove my wisdom teeth. It has been a pain but I am so relieved after having to live with it for 2 years (2 years guys!). Long story short, the first one came out when I was studying abroad. I went home to … Continue reading What I’ve learned from 1 week of slowing down

6 habits that changed my life this week

For the past few weeks, I've been exploring what truly makes me happy when I am alone. It has been such an interesting experience to rediscover who I am without people around me to depict who I am as a person. I've been experiencing this identity crisis maybe because I work as a customer service … Continue reading 6 habits that changed my life this week