If money isn’t issue, then what is?

"I was never poor" says a billionaire who once was a broke person, keeps echoing in my head. And this relates to 2 months until I am closing this website down to prioritise other things. I just wanted to make the few final rounds of writing here before I close down for real. It's bittersweet … Continue reading If money isn’t issue, then what is?

On the edge of my death…

I've been itching to tell you a story that happened back in March in the midst of the pandemic. Long story short, only few close ones knew that I was abroad and I started travelling when it was already quite serious on the other side of the world.  I didn't travel just for fun... but I travelled … Continue reading On the edge of my death…

We are always healing no matter how far we've come

Hello friend. It's been a while. After neglecting this for a long time, my feelings were all over the place this morning and I couldn't point out why. But I looked back. I looked back during the days when I was actively writing and expressing myself. At those times, I was on a phase of … Continue reading We are always healing no matter how far we've come