6 habits that changed my life this week

For the past few weeks, I've been exploring what truly makes me happy when I am alone. It has been such an interesting experience to rediscover who I am without people around me to depict who I am as a person. I've been experiencing this identity crisis maybe because I work as a customer service … Continue reading 6 habits that changed my life this week

How wisdom tooth and a trip to the bank taught me about life and happiness

Happiness and being grateful really lie in the little things. I say this because I had this realisation yesterday when I was waiting for my turn in a bank. Actually, this would have not happened if it wasn't for my wisdom tooth. But as Saturdays are only for appointments---and me being clueless---I'd have to delay … Continue reading How wisdom tooth and a trip to the bank taught me about life and happiness

3 questions to ask when you stop believing in yourself

When you suddenly starts questioning yourself again, what do you do? Have you ever felt like whatever you're doing now feels like it's going nowhere? Whatever you've worked hard for somehow led you to this ugly but familiar moment again: stuck and unsure. Emotional, you'd make rash decisions because in your heart, that is what's … Continue reading 3 questions to ask when you stop believing in yourself

The one thing (I believe) will make us a lot happier

I've been feeling kind of dry with what I'd like to share. You can say that I'm out of my creative fuel today. Maybe I haven't had enough sleep or maybe I haven't completely refill myself enough to give better. But I believe that everything around us can give us the inspiration if only we … Continue reading The one thing (I believe) will make us a lot happier

Have you been comparing yourself with other people? Read this.

This week I have been feeling reflective than usual. One thing is probably because I have been missing the Ramadhan vibe. I've been comparing myself when I was in Ramadhan than when I am now. A lot has changed actually pre to post Ramadhan in myself than what has been going on in my life. … Continue reading Have you been comparing yourself with other people? Read this.