My eyes went blind for a while, until this happened

After a long time being away from home, I was more ready than ever to leave this place and return to the comfort of my home. This might sound trivial but I looked forward take a day off to do my laundry, run errands, unwind, and basically do nothing to clear my head before I … Continue reading My eyes went blind for a while, until this happened

Read this if you have been waiting for “that” prayer to be answered

With the hype of Eid (Hari Raya), it's impossible the dodge against the questions that most of us would have to endure from some of our Aunts and Uncles, whomever they may be. The nature of these questions may be hurtful to us although they never had the intention to offend us in the beginning. … Continue reading Read this if you have been waiting for “that” prayer to be answered

A list of self-care highlights and lessons in 2017

I am coming to you with a typical end-of-year post of a list of self-care highlights and lessons that I've learned. This will be the last one in 2017! First of all, thank you to all readers and bloggers whom have taken the time to read, comments and even nominate this blog with awards---ones that I … Continue reading A list of self-care highlights and lessons in 2017

Self-discovery through dealing with (the fear of) loss and being broke

  I've talked a lot about discovering and growing our within here because I truly believe you are what you think, feel and bring out from within. The theme with most of these is loss whether it be in the form of our mental or physical state. In any case, loss is painful and it's … Continue reading Self-discovery through dealing with (the fear of) loss and being broke

My “birthday bash”: On gratitude and my wish to be a simpler woman

Today, I've learned contentment doesn't need anything but a heart filled with gratitude. Sounds cliche, isn't it? I've thought about gratitude today simply because it's my birthday. Well... happy birthday to me. A birthday on a Monday can't be even more anti-climatic than an all-around intense movie with a cliffhanger end (I don't enjoy figuring … Continue reading My “birthday bash”: On gratitude and my wish to be a simpler woman