On the edge of my death…

I've been itching to tell you a story that happened back in March in the midst of the pandemic. Long story short, only few close ones knew that I was abroad and I started travelling when it was already quite serious on the other side of the world.  I didn't travel just for fun... but I travelled … Continue reading On the edge of my death…

On being honest with ourselves

I'll be honest. I feel bad for not writing as regularly as I promised. I feel bad for not doing this inconsistently. Then I paused for a while, trying to reflect what was it that stopped from me from being consistent. I know how to be consistent but why do I still struggle to do … Continue reading On being honest with ourselves

My eyes went blind for a while, until this happened

After a long time being away from home, I was more ready than ever to leave this place and return to the comfort of my home. This might sound trivial but I looked forward take a day off to do my laundry, run errands, unwind, and basically do nothing to clear my head before I … Continue reading My eyes went blind for a while, until this happened

3 questions to ask when you stop believing in yourself

When you suddenly starts questioning yourself again, what do you do? Have you ever felt like whatever you're doing now feels like it's going nowhere? Whatever you've worked hard for somehow led you to this ugly but familiar moment again: stuck and unsure. Emotional, you'd make rash decisions because in your heart, that is what's … Continue reading 3 questions to ask when you stop believing in yourself

Read this if you have been waiting for “that” prayer to be answered

With the hype of Eid (Hari Raya), it's impossible the dodge against the questions that most of us would have to endure from some of our Aunts and Uncles, whomever they may be. The nature of these questions may be hurtful to us although they never had the intention to offend us in the beginning. … Continue reading Read this if you have been waiting for “that” prayer to be answered