3 short reminders for those who have a hard time to say “no”

How many of you suffers from saying "yes" to every opportunity coming your way because well, you are optimistic like that and you think that all projects are meant for you just because you think it's good for your growth? IF YOU SAY YES, THEN CARRY ON READING. I FEEL YOUUUUU. I guess we've all … Continue reading 3 short reminders for those who have a hard time to say “no”

Self-discovery through dealing with (the fear of) loss and being broke

  I've talked a lot about discovering and growing our within here because I truly believe you are what you think, feel and bring out from within. The theme with most of these is loss whether it be in the form of our mental or physical state. In any case, loss is painful and it's … Continue reading Self-discovery through dealing with (the fear of) loss and being broke